Quiet Saturday. Following the PICC line maintenance at the hospital, I drove over for my first car wash (they're hard to find), my first Starbucks (I've only seen two). I also saw a Hummer here for the first time. Then, I hurried home to secure a place on the sofa to watch The Presidents Cup.
With the cable and Internet out of commission this Sunday morning, we left the apartment for a walk to Hermann Park and the golf course. The early morning was comfortable and misty with an overnight rain. Many joggers passed us as Kathy and I enjoyed the 2-mile walk.
Lots of sunshine now as we set waiting for the golf to begin. Our next meeting with the stem cell teams will be next Thursday. This next week may be my last opportunity to get in 18-holes this year. Thanks everyone! JW

Sunday, September 30
Weekend Walking
Thursday, September 27
The Donor Speaks
It is true that we now have a game plan that starts me on a schedule to get my body ready for the stem cell transplant on
Thursday, November 1st.There is a good deal of prep work and testing that needs to be done before the donor stem cells are implanted into my body. There will be more information on that as my calendar fills up from Dr. deLima.
After the transplant... we will need to stay in Houston for a minimum of 100-days. This time is critical as only MD Anderson can save my life if I get any kind of infection and start to run a fever.
We listened to the team of Doctors today and realized there might be only a few of these 100 days that I won't feel like doing much, exercising, or running around the hospital halls. However, I am allowed to have my Blackberry and laptop with me during this period of isolation and will continue to work as much as possible as well as correspond with my team in Las Vegas.
Wednesday, September 26
Just Waiting
We are not seeing Dr. deLima until tomorrow, Thursday, so there has not been much to write about... hope to hear a date from his team during the meeting.
Kathy and I went shopping for other apartments to help solve some problems here at Hermann Cr but found too few units with too much space and too much money. Guess we'll just stay here and resolve the problems. Terminix was here this morning, that should solve one of our problems.
Hope to report some good news tomorrow evening when we return from the doctors office. Thanks everyone for your thoughts, cards, eMail and prayers. JW
Sunday, September 23
Family Reunion
Our annual family reunion was held yesterday in Kentucky. About 70-aunts, uncles, second & third cousins were present down on the Burba's country resort in Mammoth Cave. I missed it terribly and heard from several people following the event. I look forward to the photos showing up on CD real soon. Thanks very much for the emails and sharing part of the days joys. We have a most wondrous extensive family. Mom and Dad didn't feel like going this year which kind of broke my heart really. Next year, God willing, it will be a big celebration to have all the Bill Whitlow family in attendance!
Friday, September 21
Time on the Links
So, I felt good enough yesterday for 9-holes with rental clubs... lost 2-balls. Labs today were good and no blood transfusion... maybe I should play more golf?
A visit with Michelle told us that the donor (only one) will be sent a letter today with 3-dates available for harvesting their stem cells. I will visit with Michelle next Friday and learn what date we are targeting for transplant.
In the meantime there's little to do but to stay well, have blood transfusions and maybe play more golf. JW
Tuesday, September 18
Today we were to learn the start date of the stem cell transplant. Instead, we learned that our health insurance (Blue Cross Blue Shield) had declined our procedure! That blow sent us thinking about packing up and leaving Houston for home.
The second half-hour was spent explaining why BCBS declined us and what options we have for fighting the review including hiring a lawyer... like I have years for that! The third half-hour was spent with RoseMarie whose job is solely to fight these decisions. After she understood and had left the room we met with Dr. de Lima who explained how the whole process, including contacting our donors for dates, had come to a halt waiting for approval.
Finally, in the third half-hour, RoseMarie entered the room (now there's five of us) after speaking on the phone with BCBS who gave her a verbal approval! That kicked up the transplant coordinator to contact our donors with some date options.
What a strange way to start a day that ended up with a group hug. Not a day to relive. Dr. de Lima wants to meet twice a week to ensure the process is moving forward. Great idea as I don't want anymore more steps backward!
Sunday, September 16
Weekend Putting
The stem cell implant is 30-days out. This is based on my donors’ availability to have the stem cells harvested and my body being prepared to receive them. The timing of things that must be done to better insure success takes time. It is at times frustrating probably because I’m not in charge.
If all continues as planned I should be completing a battery of tests the week of the 24th and placed into the hospital for chemo the first week of October. If all goes well I should have a transplant the second week of October. EEEEK
I’m walking to the golf course on most mornings… found 6-balls this morning… now I have balls to play! I borrowed a putter from the pro and enjoyed being out on the course, kind of, for a while. It’s a nice hour out of the house and one that I hope to continue soon after transplant. JW
Saturday, September 15
Fast-Track Friday
End of the week and another round of labs (showing I need platelets) and this time a bone marrow aspiration to review the results of the last round of chemo. The good news is I'm still healthy to proceed to stem cell transplant! I completed the dental checkup yesterday and passed... put off the cleaning until next Wednesday.
I got a buzz cut from the Juke Jive down the street... sent the photo to Flickr for you to check out! We have a clear sky this morning in Houston and I need to walk over to the golf course to work off the soreness of the aspiration. Maybe I can borrow a putter and practice a little?
I will receive chemo the week before the transplant which will require me to be in isolation for the process. Maybe during that time I can write many thank you notes to everyone. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers and cards. JW
Tuesday, September 11
Houston-we have a game plan
The awaited day is still going on as I'm in the Transfusion ward receiving blood components and updating my friends on the results of today's visits with both doctors. The important visit with Dr. de Lima told us that 2-donors are a perfect match (maybe even better than my lovable brothers). So, we now have a plan to administer the stem cell transplant in 30-days.
I am very lucky to have two (with a third on the warming bench) when some people have none. The choice between the two was extended from 10-markers to 12-markers and both passed!
So now it's a matter of age, sex and availability.
It looks like I'll get my wish and return home disease free.
There are a great number of tests I need to take (including a dentist) that must give me a passing grade so I can go through the 7-days of chemo timed so I am readywhen the stem cells arrive from my donor. I'll be ready! JW
Saturday, September 8
One day closer to Tuesday
I went for labs yesterday (testing the blood counts) and had to stay for platelets. The average person has a count of 140 and I had 6. I keep receiving all these bags of blood and wonder where the old blood is going... don't let your mind wonder too far.
The week has been uneventful at the hospital as all I've done is labs and receive blood components. The good news is I am still healthy to proceed into transplant. The weather here is always 50% chance of rain, higher or lower, and humidity to match the temps. I have not played golf. I'm really never sure when a cloud will wonder off the Gulf and dump 2" on us. These people think nothing about flooded streets and stranded cars!
Kath and I are staying in and healthy this weekend and watching the US Open Tennis and Tiger Woods at the BMW Championship. I really miss my plasma screen on weekends like this. We will be making some serious plans after our visits with all the doctors on Tuesday. Thanks everyone!JW
Monday, September 3
Raining on my Golf
Kathy and I walked to the Hermann Golf Course... finally! It's a nice course of only 4,700 yards from the front. Green fees of $35 with cart and club rental of $20. Hard to say who the club maker might be. I don't know if I can go all 18-holes but I'd sure like to try. We made it home just as it started to rain. Today's temp has not been higher than 80-degrees with rain. Houston has received over 40" of rain this year.
Tomorrow will be the normal Tuesday with lab, injection, doctor and the rest of the day receiving blood components. I sure would like to play golf this week as next Tuesday might be the best news which would put me in for stem cell transplant with one of my 3-donors. Starting the transplant is most important and I don't want anything I might do to cause me not to be ready. JW