I survived the implant without a hitch; although, I'm not sure what it looks like just yet. When Kathy removes the bandage this morning I will have a look.
The pain has been controlled with just a couple of Lortab's.
Spring Valley Hospital was very organized and everything went like clock work.
My nurses Anna, MaryAnn and Cynthia watched over me and fed me Popsicles.
Kathy had her doctors appointment while I was recovering. She told me to stay in bed and flirt with the nurses... that was easy! JW

Saturday, October 27
Operation Complete
Thursday, October 25
Making Progress
We had our labs today and did not need blood... that's 2-weeks without blood... that's great news! The better my blood counts the less often I need transfusions. Maybe the chemo in September and just being home is a great healing... not to discount the many prayers.
As you know I lost my PICC line last weekend so today I had to pre-admit to Spring Valley Hospital for a Port Access in my chest. The operation is to take place at 9am tomorrow morning. Recovery may be 2-3 hours. Having the Port Access in my chest will allow for labs twice a week and easy transfusions when needed.
It is a beautiful fall day in Las Vegas - low 80's. Everything is dry and green with leaves on the trees and it is just plain wonderful for us to be home. My next big event will be traveling to Houston on the 30th to start the 2nd round of chemo. But you best believe we'll enjoy every day until then. JW
Tuesday, October 23
What's new?
We're home. Great to be among the masses but not that excited to be among the poor medical treatment facility here.
I have to return to Houston for my 2nd round of chemo on the 30th. And surviving that, I will go to Florida for Thanksgiving. That will likely be my last trip of the year.
Kathy is still putting away stuff and nesting. Also, we're very concerned about Laura and her family in San Diego as they are living on one of the few streets in her area that is not under mandatory evacuation... Needless to say they have not slept much.
Going for my gaming card today and to consult with the doctor to place a super port in my chest this week since the PICC line became infected last week. Otherwise it should be a week filled with being alive and staying well.
Amazing, I am working part time but am still very busy! JW
Sunday, October 21
Sounds simple but with only one doctor at the ER everything just seemed to drag on and on. Especially when you know that pot of spaghetti sauce that Kathy had worked on during the morning hours was on the stove when we left... just waiting to be put over some Garlic and Basil Ravioli. I'll be arranging for another PICC line in the other arm or a PassPort in the chest Monday.
It is wonderful to be home and living in the dry desert air! JW
Friday, October 19
Feels like Home
First schedule was to see the doctor who ran tests and give me platelets last evening… no need for red cells… that’s good. We’re setting a schedule for blood tests every Tuesday and Thursday. I had a pedicure and haircut from Carol and Dan this morning… that felt like home as well. The sun is bright and it is a beautiful day, today. JW
Tuesday, October 16
Back to Work
It has been wonderful returning to work. I love having eye contact with my team in place of these conference calls. I'm working smarter these days with my office partners having taken up the slack as they seem eager to continue to be a strong contributing factor to not only keeping our business strong but to contribute to its taking off some day.
Kathy's favorite time of the season is fall in Las Vegas and I'm especially glad she gets to enjoy weeks of it. She is sending me away for Thanksgiving... to Mom and Dad's... and brother Tony is going to join me in Florida for the event. This will be the first time the whole family has been together in many years. All I have to do is figure out how to travel during the holidays without getting sick from someone. Perhaps the doctor will have some advice when I see him on Thursday. JW
Sunday, October 14
Home at Last!
Laura and Jim drove all night and day. They left Tuesday evening from San Diego and arrived Wednesday evening. It was so good to see our daughter and son in law again. They insisted on being there to help us move back home to Las Vegas. On Thursday morning Laura, Jim and Kathy packed everything up into two cars while I was finishing up blood transfusion at the hospital. By the time I got back to the apartment it was an easy decision to immediately leave Houston for home.
We drove all night Thursday... stopping at a couple of places for breakfast before making it to Tucson, Friday afternoon. Jim and Kathy drove most of the way during the night. The black asphalt, white lines and flat terrain caused all of our brains to go numb.

All my tests and treatments will be surrendered to my cancer center on Monday. I have labs and review with our doctor on Thursday to continue my care at home. The special chemo treatment will continue in Houston when I return on the 30th... but only for 1-day. Hopefully with good care and avoiding contact with sick people, I may have a fighting chance. JW
Wednesday, October 10
Bound for Home!
Kathy and I are headed home. Our donor canceled. Our 2nd donor is less than perfect. I've canceled the stem cell and will head home this weekend. This whole process is too long with too many unpleasant lasting effects. I'll return to Houston every 5-6 weeks to continue the chemo trial I'm on and the rest of the time I'll be under my doctors care in Las Vegas.
Time will show that I can take care of myself, play more golf, have less stress and repair the damage to my system brought on by me. If not, then I've given it my best shot. At least I'll be amoung my family and friends and living the life I want for as long as I can.
As my good friend Russ says, "I find things often work out for the best even though differently than planned." I say let's work on that! JW
Saturday, October 6
Approaching the Starting Gate
Everything is getting scheduled, tested, scanned, poked & prodded working up to my admission into the hospital
October 25th.
There, I will endure a week of chemo prior to stem cell transplant – from that point it will be 100-days before Kathy and I can and will go home. We will be counting down the days like caged felons. A great deal depends on how my bone marrow reacts to the foreign bodies and how “fit” I keep myself during the first several weeks of transplant. I need to avoid any disease after I'm released.
Well, on the bright side, I shall have plenty of down time... everyone should expect phone calls or eMails from me while I'm in isolation. JW
Thursday, October 4
Best day @ Hermann Park
Kathy and I happily escaped the apartment mid-morning... rented a golf cart and a set of clubs (badly in need of cleaning) and stayed on the course for over 4-hours.! It was wonderful to hear Kathy laugh again. This was the best FUN therapy we could give ourselves before we begin our MEDICAL therapy.
The temps here have dropped 10-degrees and the humidity many times is around 50. We're either getting use to it or it really is more comfortable. Today, we will be getting labs and visiting with Dr. deLima and our stem cell team. There is more activity on my calendar and getting busy is good therapy as well. JW
Tuesday, October 2
Our Reward
I'm in the hospital today following labs. I needed a fill-up. This happens weekly if you're a frequent visitor.
I posted some new photos of the Hermann Museum Golf Course for my golfing friends to see. Kathy and I plan to take Wednesday morning off and walk over and play 18-holes... or as many as I can. We need more outings out of our 4-walls to help our minds escape! The park and golf are a nice way to go.
My calendar is getting busy with all the prep work that precedes the stem cell transplant. I will post that information for those who are following my progress when it all gets put into place.