Following my BMA on Tuesday, my two doctors (LV and Houston) reviewed the numbers and decided the chemo is still working and that another BMA should be scheduled for next Monday. That’s a BMA every week for 3-weeks. New results will then be presented to us by the end of the week. I have gone 20-days without a blood transfusion on Monday. All this year I’ve been getting a blood transfusion at least weekly. Chemo must still be working?
So, I love being home with Kathy! My white counts are at 2.9 which is triple the count from 14-days ago when I was released from the hospital. I have gone to the Roth’s for Easter Dinner party, to the office most days for a couple hours, drove and ran a few errands for Kathy and washed the car. We’ve cancelled going to the wedding for Jon and Danielle tonight because of the large group. All in all I feel almost normal. I would like to get out on the golf course this next week!
Thanks for the birthday cards, calls and eMails. There was a time last year I didn’t think I’d reach 63… but here I am; continued discovery of good natural stuff for my body along with enzymes which I’m starting today. So, all is well for now… maybe I can stay away from the hospital until the 2nd week of April! JW

Saturday, March 29
Enzyme Me
Saturday, March 22
Home for awhile
I was released from the hospital last Monday evening after labs and 1-unit of platelets. After having been away for over 3-weeks, being home is a real joy. Every hour with Kathy along with her home cooked meals is heavenly. Freedom is not being taken lightly. And every day is cherished.
I will visit the doctors late next week to review the results of my bone marrow aspiration and at that time they (both my Las Vegas doctor and my Houston doctor) will tell me what the next treatment will be. Meanwhile, freedom!
Happy Easter to everyone! Be sure to read all the updates and changes Laura has made to my
"Do what I what I eat" blog. She's done a wonderful job researching super foods and drugs. JW
Sunday, March 16
It could be a BIG Monday
All my antibiotic drip has been converted to pill in preparation of my going home. Dr. Michael said that another bone marrow extraction needs to be scheduled for mid-week. This is to see what and when the next treatment needs to be. Meanwhile, I may get to go home to recover until the next round. Great news for me and my 4-walls and greater news for Kathy who is taking care of me twice a day with clean pajamas, food, newspaper and other goodies.
It snowed in the LV foothills overnight. Snow levels down to 3,000'. Kathy took me outside to see some of the view before it all melted. The wind was 20-30 mph and the temp was 42 so we didn't spend much time outside walking around.
We're watching the final round of golf today with Tiger Woods leading the field and waiting for the storm to pass and for me to go home... it could be a big day tomorrow! JW
Thursday, March 13
Tammy Jo
I had a visit from Tammy this morning... she is my other niece - Shawn's younger sister - who lives in Longmont, Colorado. Tammy & Jared have 5-daughters ranging from 13-years to a College Freshmen - living all under the same roof. I have not seen her since she and Jared were here in LV getting married ... about 8-years ago?
We set and visited for a couple hours before she departed. Kathy arrived in the middle of the morning to find this young girl in my room before she recognized Tammy. So, Kathy gave up her morning and left us along to visit.
My visit with Kathy tonight made up our lost time from this morning. She brought White Castle Hamburgers for us to snack on before dinner. Hey, these don't have any pickles!
This week has been leading up to my Bone Marrow Aspiration (BMA) which was done on Wednesday, 3/12. Dr Sanatinia said it would take 24-hours to get the results. Even though the results were not in this morning, Dr. Sanatinia stopped by tonight to tell me that the chemo had reduced my blast cells to 6% -down from 33%. That's good... but not were we need them to be as the White Cells have not recovered. We are waiting for a call from Dr. Kantarjian so we know what to do next.
So, it looks like I get to watch Tiger Woods play again this weekend on my 27" TV in the hospital. Kathy and I always find something of which to entertain ourselves ... so far my time spent here it has not included having to use coloring books. JW
Monday, March 10
There's No place like Home!
My light at the end of the tunnel goes out with every turn.
My white counts are too low... that's normal.
My blood numbers are low... but, that's normal.
Wednesday is my Bone Barrow Aspiration... which means by the end of the week I might know something like did the last round of chemo work? Do we go after it again or try something else?
Dr. Suvarna has determined that I have no fever and no infections in my blood stream - so why am I still getting hanging antibiotics?
Meanwhile, I'm still ingesting the Wheat Grass and pond scum.
I am bald! Actually, I have a nice shaped skull. I just need a little color. JW
Saturday, March 8
Weekend Release?
Dr. Suvarna visited me at 9:30 last evening - I'm telling you these guys show up at all hours. There are a number of test results that are coming in today that will resolve a number of issues and setup a date next week for a bone marrow aspiration. But most importantly perhaps will be a discharge from the hospital. Although I may have to come in daily for tests and transfusions, it certainly would be better that being here 24/7.
Kathy is coming up this morning with coffee and the daily newspaper - and her smiley face. She and I have spent many 100's of hours thinking about my future and her's. There are a number of ways this will play out. JW
Thursday, March 6
No Life Outside
I have 4-doctors a day coming thru my room. I never know when one will show.
I make notes in my book or BlackBerry or call Kathy on her call phone so she can listen.
I’m loosing my hair and my port might be infected… that’s the forth doctor.
I have Kathy running around so much she has canceled all outside engagements until I can return home. Even today she did not have time to have lunch with her girlfriend- I made that call for her.
I’ve had a CT scan, a chest x-ray and more blood transfusions than I can track.
I maintain an office here in 413 of reverse isolation with my back to the mountains and my nose on my lap top. My WBC has reached 1.6 this morning – I’m coming back! JW
Wednesday, March 5
Hump Day Wednesday
Well, just more hospital stuff. My temp was running 101+ on Monday and Tuesday while I started taking rounds of antibiotics from IV. On Tuesday, I was taken for a CT scan of my lower GI - this area is not happy! Good news is that the CT Scan showed normal.The other good news is my white counts are growing, finally at .8 - normal is 4.8- 10.8. This number is below my normal becaurs of the chemo.
I did another round of Platelets’ yesterday and will be having a bag of Red Cells this afternoon. Over-the-hump-day Wednesday and we keep doing the same thing and waiting for the same results. I hope to visit with the doctor over his lunch hour and get a clearer picture of what he is planning to do.
I’ve become lost and can no longer find my way This may seem like a strange thing to say just after you've just let the horses out of the barn, but, I'm into my 15-day, thought I be here 5-10, and they're talking about a Bone Marrow Extraction on the 21st day... that's 3-weeks as I see it. Has anyone done this before? JW
Sunday, March 2
March - I'm still here!
Twelve days and counting. I only have blood transfusion every other day, now. However, my white counts would not sustain my life should I leave the hospital. Kind of like bubble boy. Labs were pulled this morning and I expect to visit with my doctor shortly to see if the white counts are finally starting to move upward.
Joe and Ricki Brady drove from Mesquite on Friday to visit with me for about 1-hour. They spent several hours with Kathy who sometimes needs a break from me. My good friend Ron Cisco from Denver called this morning during the Sunday snow storm. He and Barbara and the dogs are doing fine.
Kathy brought me grilled cheese on Sheepherders Bread last night for dinner. What a joy that was and a joy not to eat the hospital food!
Kathy is visiting this morning with the Sunday Review Journal and a Grande Americano from Starbucks. She knows how to keep me happy.
I may be in this hospital for the week - too bad as LVGI has a booth at the Bingo World show at South Point Casino next week and I will miss seeing a great number of my business friends and potential new prospects. Hey, I just hope to get out before we start this treatment again! JW