I am being re-admitted as of 5pm tonight. My infections results came back positive and must be aggressively treated with IV. This story may change often. Buckle up, it might be a bumpy ride! Sure would like to stay home longer than a couple days. JW

Tuesday, April 29
Monday- home again
I don't know when to stay and when to go any more. Mostly I just want to go home... where I am located currently.
Thanks to Laura for posting a message for me. I was down for the count last week and hung onto Kathy like she was my last friend. We must have been a site in the ER both of us sobbing in each other arms. Thanks for a morphine drip for 3-days to help with all the pain. JW
Friday, April 25
Three days home...
My dad is in the hospital right now...so I am writing this post for him. There is much pain and discomfort for him right now from this round of chemo. It is a complex situation that his doctors are trying to solve. It is tough for my mom to watch him in so much pain...she is so strong and brave for him. He is at least a little more comfortable now with some constant pain medication. Your prayers and thoughts are appreciated. Thank you.
Wednesday, April 23
Go Home Young Man!
Today I get released. I will continue treatments at home and at the cancer clinic. Thanks Gail, for your recent comments - I'll want to learn more about MS and how my cousin Trina is handling this challange. And from Roger in North Dakota where the ground thawed last week and from my traveling friend, Hutch.
Monday, April 21
Monday's Post
White counts down to .2 and holding. I'm holding in the hospital until my white counts climb/grow. Meanwhile, I continue to receive platelets and red blood transfusion plus various antibiotic drips 3-4 times a day... what ever it takes to help my few crippled white cells to hold on and keep fighting.
I've lost 10-lbs since starting chemo and have reached a fighting weight of 145. I'm sure my golf game has suffered... sure would like to prove it. JW
Thursday, April 17
On the 3rd day
Three days and my white count has dropped to .5 -expected. I've had 1-unit of platelets since the last update along with antibiotics by IV and little shots in my fat tummy to help that poor little white cell.
I'm comfortable and always look forward to Kathy's visits. In the evening she brings me some of what she's making for her dinner. I certainly miss her home cooking while I'm away you can bet. All the doctors say I'm looking great! This place will say anything to keep you in their rooms. JW
Wednesday, April 16
Hospital II
My blood numbers were too low to allow me to live outside the hospital another day. So, Kathy checked me in Tuesday afternoon where I received 1-unit of platelets and 2-units of blood... the last unit is about to finish this morning.
My room has a beautiful view looking west. The tops of several palms trees and the LV mountains 3-miles away make for great viewing all day. I'll be here until my white cell count recovers... it's currently .9 - I think that means I have less than one white cell running around protecting my whole body. What hair I've grown on my head will likely be grazed off over the next week.
Kathy and I have enjoyed a wonderful spring together in the Las Vegas valley. My family is arriving on Mother's Day next month. I'm anxious to get all this chemo out of the way so I'll feel well enough to entertain. JW
Sunday, April 13
Chemo on the Go!
I finished my 56-hours on chemo with a portable device. No hospital stay.
I stayed home and watched the Masters and got to enjoyed several days with Kathy by my side. Labs will be taken on Monday morning to see if the chemo has started to work. If my numbers get too low, I'll have to check-in to the hospital for daily blood and platelet transfusion. Meanwhile, I feel great and happy to stay home... at least today. JW
Tuesday, April 8
Monday, April 7
Laura taught me how to put Kaylie's photo up here for everyone to see.
They will be leaving on Tuesday, the very day I get admitted into the hospital... which means Kathy will have an empty house again.
I had to push the plans for Mom and Dad, Tony and Billie to visit us into May. I'm glad they are flexible. Tony and Billie are bringing their 5th wheel; I'm looking forward to seeing that as they've offered it to us while were in Houston! JW