Saturday, August 30

Taking it slow...

Hello... an infection has kept me busy in the room recovering, today. It is warm this afternoon on the west patio -- temps are in for a change, however.
I have overloaded my brain on the DNC from Denver following the many days of Olympics... and now several days of the RNC. I think if you could push CNN into your iPod 24-hours a day you might become an expert at just about anything... except how to change the font size on my MacBook. It is nice at the hospital over the Labor Day WeekEnd and I hope all my friends are living full!


Wednesday, August 27

Over the hump and late on the draw

I'm way late in updating my blog.
My morning process generally starts with a blood draw at 4am. Labs like to get started early.
I've had platelets and/or packed red cells just about every day... sometimes late into the evening when I have an emergency noise bleed. The doctors watch my blood numbers very closely.
I find relief with drugs that allow me to sleep in the afternoons... quiet times when I skip lunch and just need to relax - when I need to shut down.
I'm developing a morning routine so I can complete all the tasks before the doctors start their rounds and issue orders. I often skip lunch as I am too busy to finish 3-meals. I have a large patio just out my back door which allows me to take several walks a day. SLC is nice this time of year but can be a little cool in the mornings. My shower is generally later in the morning around the skipped lunch hour. I have dropped some weight and eating just does not put it back on. The food here is good value and I have multi-choices.
The doctors advised me to get plenty of rest to recover from the chemo just completed last Saturday. It might take a couple of weeks to pull another BMA to see how the bone marrow is reacting to all the treatments.
I will continue to be more current as my time with my MacBook and the new iPhone will keep me learning for weeks to come.

Friday, August 22

Friday -too much happening.

I arrived late Monday night by ambulance to Huntsman...and taken away for test and questions late into the night. I have seen about a dozen specialists over these past days. Today is my 5th day of chemo. I am taking at least 1-unit of platelets, daily. I am still working on when to sleep with so many tests during various times of the day and night. This is a work in progress. They are working on putting my system into remission and then doing a bone morrow donor search. If a donor is found and I'm in remission... then the stem cell transplant will have a greater chance of success.


Wednesday, August 20

No bells and whistles here...

It is about 3pm.  Jerry is taking a little rest. Earlier, I found a cute little place super close to the hospital for Mom.  She said it will do fine.  It isn't fabulous, but it is clean and roomy and the owner is very nice and is easy to work with.

When we came back from getting the place, Jerry was sitting in the window on the couch reading quietly. His room is very peaceful and serene.  Mom and him had lunch together on the couch in the sun.  Today, Jerry tried a piece of fire cooked pizza.  The restaurant on the 6th floor has a big brick oven and they cook fresh pizza's and calzones all day long. Mom saw it when she was getting her lunch, and just had to get a piece for him.  Jerry loved it,  but ate only half cause he had to save room for his chocolate milkshake.  I think he is figuring out that he likes the menu here. Jerry just commented about how wonderful it is that there are no bells and whistles out in the hallway.  This place is quiet all of the time.  No loud talking nurses, or squeaky wheels.
And when he pushes the nurse button, she is here within about 2 seconds.
All is smooth today...not too much drama. I have read Jerry all the comments from everyone, and he says thank you and sends his love.  I think he is going for a walk later with mom...which will be nice.

Tuesday, August 19

A Chocolate Milkshake!!!

Jerry arrived close to eleven last night.  Our new best friends Iggy and Carla got him into his very nice room with ease.  Mom and I got up early and drove to Salt Lake and arrived at lunchtime.  Jerry had a very busy morning while we were on our way.  He met with some of his Doctors, ate a breakfast of two fried eggs, english muffin, yogurt, and Special K and especially enjoyed getting served on real dishes and using real forks for the first time in a while.  After breakfast he received another bone marrow aspiration, more platelets, and antibiotics.  Later in the afternoon, he was put on two rounds of chemo will run for the next five days.  Also, he is already being matched for a donor. 

Like I was a very busy day for him. This place doesn't mess around. Which is a good thing.
Mom and I are comfortable in the hotel after finding our way around. Tomorrow, I will drop her off early at the hospital and drive around a bit to look at some places to live.
The Huntsman Cancer Institute is very beautiful, and the care is abslolutely beyond words.
Jerry enjoyed a a nice meal for dinner...chicken strips, french fries, carrot cake and a chocolate shake.  He said it was the best dinner he has had in a long long time. 

 He is fast asleep now.

Laura and Kathy

Monday, August 18

Iggy and Carla: Our new best friends...

Well, it is now 3:55. Jerry has been on the road about half an hour. His driver, Iggy and Nurse Carla arrived at the hospital at 2:30. They swooped up to the third floor and immediately began battling the nurses for Jerry's comfort and medication since he will pretty much be laying on a gurney for the long ride. Needless to say, the nurses caved and Carla scored bigtime for my dad. As they wheeled him out of the hospital, he commented about being outside for the first time in over a month. And as they loaded him into the ambulance he raised his arms triumphantly and smiled. Iggy made sure to clear a space for him on a shelf to put his water bottle, phone and personal things for the trip. Mom and I said was so difficult to finally see him leave, but we will see him again soon in a much better surrounding with superior care. He should be arriving into his new room around 11pm.


A ride and a bed for Jerry

Yes, that was Jerry that made a blog post...but today it is me...Laura. It is 9:35am on Monday.

We have just been told that Jerry's room is ready for him at the Huntsman Cancer Institute in Salt Lake, and his transport is arranged. Now, we will wait for Jerry to finish receiving platelets, and the discharge paperwork to be completed. Jerry's toes are wiggling with anticipation. It was a long day for him yesterday waiting for today. Mom and I are packed and ready for our drive to Salt Lake and to find a comfortable place for her to reside during this time. When Jerry arrives later this evening, he will be immediately checked into his room and hopefully meet with his new team of Doctors. I will post again with updates as Jerry, Mom and I make our way North.

Saturday, August 16

To Huntsman on Monday

I've completed a 2nd Bone Marrow Aspiration this past Wednesday. My blast count has gone from 8% blast cells to around 19%. These numbers have been accepted by Huntsman and I will be transported to Salt Lake City on Monday if all stays the course.

Kathy is getting organized for our time away from home; deciding what at the house needs to be shut down and figuring out a schedule for everything over the next few months.

Our daughter Laura is arriving very early Sunday to help Kathy with the packing, organizing and getting her (since I already have a ride) to Salt Lake...and will stay with us there for the remainder of the week. Finding a temporary place to live will have to wait until arrival in Salt Lake City.

Friday, August 8


Hello to all!  We have made it to Friday and feel blessed and pleased to be here!  All big problems have subsided for now and the bone marrow aspiration came in at 8% blast cells this morning.  Hooray--that is just one step closer to The Huntsman Center in Salt Lake City and stem-cell transplant!

Again, thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers and please all have a great weekend!
Jerry & Kathy

Tuesday, August 5


Goodbye Tuesday and here's all the "new" news since our last report.  The Blood Marrow Aspiration has been moved until tomorrow morning.  This morning Jerry was moved to a new room in ICU and a procedure was performed to stop all the internal bleeding in his nose and throat--WITH MUCH SUCCESS I MIGHT ADD!  

Our appreciation for all your thoughts and prayers.  
Much Love, Jerry and Kathy

Friday, August 1

Two Weeks and counting...

Jerry is getting stronger in ICU and is scheduled for BMA on Monday or Tuesday. He has grown from needing assistance for all functions to only a few each day. The Bone Marrow will show us the numbers so we can go on to Huntsman Cancer Center to have a Stem Cell transplant to save his life.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts coming.
J&K Whitlow