Jerry and I discussed in great length our wishes when the time came for either one of us. Even though we made a plan, it is still so surreal to have the time come upon us. I know many of Jerry's friends and family need to grieve and would prefer a service of some kind. But, that isn't what we had planned. We wanted simply to have our ashes put in the sea in Maui. And so, I will keep that promise to my husband...and when the time comes for me to leave this earth, we will go there together.
I don't think Thank You is even enough for all the love and kindness and support everyone has given to our family. It is really quite humbling....but, we Thank You.
Jerry was an unbelievably giving his family, his friends, and his work.

Thursday, October 30
Our promise to each other...
Friday, October 24
Go in Peace Dear Jerry...
Jerry passed away shortly after midnight last night. He was more than just a very brave person. He fought this disease with as much joy, passion, and honorableness as humanly possible. Jerry will forever be remembered as a "True and Unquestionable Optimist" inspiration to everyone he met. Mom and I are grateful for this blog, Jerry's words, and all the love and support that has come into our lives because of it. We will never be the same without him...never.
Monday, October 6
To all loved ones and dear friends.
Jerry and I would like to thank you for all for your thoughts and prayers that you have sent. Jerry is unable to talk on the phone or email, but we read all your comments daily! Jerry and I are taking this time together to enjoy everything life has to offer right now. We will worry about tomorrow----tomorrow.
Just know how much you all mean to us.
Jerry & Kathy
Thursday, October 2
Home is where the love is...
It has been a calm week at home. Except for some house maintenance that needed to be taken care of. There has been much rest, and quiet times together. Jerry has requested some of his favorite meals and mom has been glad to oblige. Mornings are spent with Jerry writing letters, calling his folks, and drinking some coffee. Afternoons are spent eating lunch, and conversation. Evenings are spent with a great meal, the news, and maybe a movie.
Hospice visited with the three of us on went very well. A nurse will be here with Jerry every other day or so and is available for any sort of help 24-7 day or night.
We are grateful for all the positive help and comfort coming our way.
Thanks and Love to all,
Jerry, Kathy and Laura