Wednesday, January 23

One Night Out

Labs and a visit with my cancer doctor found me packing for a night at the hospital. The order was for 2-units of red blood and 3-units of platelets. The check-in at 5pm was easy to make as I ran home to collect my computer and jammies and drive thru McDonald's on my way to admissions.
However I laid in bed until 9pm before anyone stuck me! The whole process took until 6am this morning. I'll meet with the Hospital Administration in a day or two and see if we can condense this process.
Now that's off my chest I can say "Thank you" to the people who gave up 4-5 hours of their life to do blood aphresis to save my life. We don't know each other but I know first hand what a commitment this process takes.
We're trying to stretch the hospital visits as each is a $500 deductable. Next visit in two weeks. JW


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to stop by and say heya
its back to work today but got to do what we got to do. Hope you all are doing well. and hope to talk to you soon.. if you talk to Shawn tell her I said hi.

500 a visit is wow but your worth it. Kathy said so
love ya all

Unknown said...

Hi Whit,
More road warrior stuff,just got back from the show in the UK. Saw Jon and Karen, great memories! Hope you are doing well and always in my thoughts! Stay well and talk to you soon!

Anonymous said...

Uncle Jerry,
I just found out Jared and I will be in Vegas the second week of March. I sure would love to spend some time with you if you are up for company. I pray for you daily and I know God sent you here for all of us who you have made such a positive impact on. I know I am a better person because of you. I love you and will see you soon
Tammy Jo