Friday, July 25

Mom must have ordered dinner...

It is 5:10...dinner time. Jerry didn't eat lunch today so he is pretty hungry. Mom must have ordered this one, there is a whole lot of lemon juice on the tray for some reason. He is eating it all up and watching the news. Getting some platelets and antibiotic.

My shift is almost done here, and mom will return very shortly. He is in good spirits, and pretty curious about everything that is going on.


Anonymous said...

Hello Whitlow family - I met your father years ago in Denver at his chiropractor. He has always been a wonderful, positive friend to have. His wisdom has helped me a great deal in my own life with my family. He always spoke of his family and you could see the love he had for all of you in his eyes. It was wonderful to see! He is a strong man and has strong support. Keep up the good work and thanks for all your info via the blog. I can only hope my husband, family and friends would surround me with such great love and support when I may need it. Tell him to stay strong and keep making progress. Our prayers and thoughts are with you all-Rox

Anonymous said...

Sweet Jerry, Wrote to you on your email address and saw today that you aren't looking at those. So thankful that Laura is keeping your blog updated. So happy to know that you are making a come back from all of that chemo. Just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you and praying for everyone to have strength and healing through this. Much love and healing vibes sent your way.