Sunday, August 5

Frogs in the Foyer

Well this place is wet, but having a frog hopping around the living room was a bit over the top. Kathy thought it was a flying bug! Laura picked up the baby frog and placed it back outside were it belongs... this place is wet.

We continue to 'nest' in our new apartment and acquire things to help us live less out of suit cases and more like a home. Kathy and Laura are skilled at finding bargains and making life a little easier every day. We already have the Sunday paper and are looking forward to our final day of rest before starting some treatments tomorrow. Things won't really get rolling, I expect, for a couple weeks. Meanwhile, if I feel up to it, we'll make a run down to Galveston for the day. Gotta find the love in this city!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jer-bear and Kathy!! Finally got home from Oregon where we had a great time, but it is always fun to return home. Been thinking of you a lot and was glad to hear from you. We spent a loooooong year in Houston back in the late 70's and do remember the wettness! You just have to stay near a shower and all will be okay. Tell me if you need anything. I am about to go over and check on your place and pick up the box that Kathy left for me. No wettness here - just HOT! Love & kisses Russ & Robbie

Unknown said...

Hi Jerry and Kathy,

Isn't technology a wonderful thing? We can all say "hello" and see how you are doing without bothering you.

This blog is great idea and I especially love all the photos that you have available. I like the one's with Jerry's new haircut. He just looks so thrilled! We all know how much Jerry loves his hair. :)

I hope that you are able to enjoy some of your time in Houston. My fingers are crossed for the both of you and you are both in my thoughts!


Jacquie and the bingo gang :)