The Chemo from a couple weeks ago must be working because it has knocked down my blood counts and sent me to the Transfusion room both last Friday and yesterday for 2-units of blood and platelets each visit. I always feel spunky after a fill up and might just walk to that golf club house this morning. I certainly like to stay away from the hospital center after these 10-hour days. Kathy is rescheduling her certification for my PICC line to tomorrow.
Thanks bingo team for talking to me on the phone, keeping everything rolling along and making good decisions while I'm out of the office.
Last evenings weather storm, while I was in the hospital bed, caused the power to fail at the apartment. Kathy and I like to watch these weather events from the patio so she called several times for me to hear all the thunder and rain. We have reduced our simple pleasures to watching rain together! Thanks everyone. JW

Wednesday, August 29
Simple Pleasures
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Uncle Jerry,
I am so sorry you are having to go through all this. You are in my families prayers every day.
When you are better Jared and I would love to come out and visit you again if you don't mind.
I love the blog you have and I do check it daily I am just not smart enough to figure out how to post on it sorry.
With God all things are possible and I am sure you will beat this. I love you Uncle Jerry
Stay strong
Lots of Love
Tammy Jo
Hey Ya'll
Just letting you know that I'm still thinking of you every day & praying for your return to good health. Remember, 'I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me, Phil. 4:13'
Love & Hugs
Cuz Nancy
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