Monday, September 15

Weekend Update

The mornings start with a couple of newspapers and a walk around the the patio.  This time of year is just right after the sun warms up the deck and stays that way most of the day.

I've had a CT-can, a chest x-ray and a BMA last week and another tomorrow.  These results should lead us to donor - keep your fingers crossed!
Our Uncle Leon in Louisville fell down the stares this weekend... didn't break any bones but looks like he's been in a dog fight.
The BM numbers should be reported by the end of the week and a could be found at about the same time.  More on all that later.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Jerry and Family,
If it would help I am willing to be checked to see if I can be a bone marrow donar. Maybe I will register in any case. Keep fighting. We are adding the "Double" action game as soon as we get the video installed.
Tx Clyde

Anonymous said...

Love you guys keep us posted and holler if I can do anything for you