Saturday, August 25

Feeling Full

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketMy lab results showed I needed red cells and platelets. So, I spent the rest of Friday at the hospital getting a fill up. Kathy had some time away from me at our apartment and spent it cleaning and rearranging. It's always nice to come home to a clean house.
Feeling good! We may venture out and walk down the street. Hermann Park Golf Course is so close and has been looking at me for the past 30-days. We drive around it every time we visit the hospital... it is right down MacGregor Way - seems appropriate for a golf course road...doesn't it?
My lab tests are done on Tuesdays and Fridays every week now. The next major milestone is the 29th...that is when the blood from my donors should arrive. Thanks for all your support! JW


Anonymous said...

Jerry and Kathy,
I hope you are having a Great day!!! I pray to St. Theresa every day for you> She answers my prayers all the time! We miss you in Las Vegas, Get well soon. I hope you get good news this week!! Kathy Veltre

Kathy said...

Thanks, Kathy. We can't get home too soon. Glad you enjoy my blog. Call me anytime. JW