Wednesday, August 20

No bells and whistles here...

It is about 3pm.  Jerry is taking a little rest. Earlier, I found a cute little place super close to the hospital for Mom.  She said it will do fine.  It isn't fabulous, but it is clean and roomy and the owner is very nice and is easy to work with.

When we came back from getting the place, Jerry was sitting in the window on the couch reading quietly. His room is very peaceful and serene.  Mom and him had lunch together on the couch in the sun.  Today, Jerry tried a piece of fire cooked pizza.  The restaurant on the 6th floor has a big brick oven and they cook fresh pizza's and calzones all day long. Mom saw it when she was getting her lunch, and just had to get a piece for him.  Jerry loved it,  but ate only half cause he had to save room for his chocolate milkshake.  I think he is figuring out that he likes the menu here. Jerry just commented about how wonderful it is that there are no bells and whistles out in the hallway.  This place is quiet all of the time.  No loud talking nurses, or squeaky wheels.
And when he pushes the nurse button, she is here within about 2 seconds.
All is smooth today...not too much drama. I have read Jerry all the comments from everyone, and he says thank you and sends his love.  I think he is going for a walk later with mom...which will be nice.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jerry,
It's good to hear you are making great progress. It's also nice to know you have such great support from your family.
Let me know when you want me to make that tee time!
All the best,

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a nice place. I am trying to figure out a way to get to Vegas when ya get home.. Maybe you can introduce me to my holdem heroes lol..
Still praying and such hugs to you all
and thanks for keeping us all posted