Saturday, August 16

To Huntsman on Monday

I've completed a 2nd Bone Marrow Aspiration this past Wednesday. My blast count has gone from 8% blast cells to around 19%. These numbers have been accepted by Huntsman and I will be transported to Salt Lake City on Monday if all stays the course.

Kathy is getting organized for our time away from home; deciding what at the house needs to be shut down and figuring out a schedule for everything over the next few months.

Our daughter Laura is arriving very early Sunday to help Kathy with the packing, organizing and getting her (since I already have a ride) to Salt Lake...and will stay with us there for the remainder of the week. Finding a temporary place to live will have to wait until arrival in Salt Lake City.


Anonymous said...

Uncle Jerry
You are in our thoughts and prayers. Stay strong as soon as you are settled in Utah hopefully Shawn and I can come for a visit. Lots of Love, Tammy Jo

Anonymous said...

Jerry it is good to see that you are strong enough to again write your blogs.
I am wishing you the best in SLC and want you to know that like the USA was behind Phelps I am behind you on your Olympic challenge. GO for the Gold my friend.


Anonymous said...

Just got back from Montana. We actually went there to play golf. That was a hoot and a good time. Warren even got an award for the longest drive! Glad to hear that the process has finally arrived and you are heading to Utah. I could take the puddle jump from Casper and come see you! It filled my heart so see that you were the one posting to your blog. Does this mean that you are checking your email? Love to you always, Stacey