Sunday, March 16

It could be a BIG Monday

All my antibiotic drip has been converted to pill in preparation of my going home. Dr. Michael said that another bone marrow extraction needs to be scheduled for mid-week. This is to see what and when the next treatment needs to be. Meanwhile, I may get to go home to recover until the next round. Great news for me and my 4-walls and greater news for Kathy who is taking care of me twice a day with clean pajamas, food, newspaper and other goodies.
It snowed in the LV foothills overnight. Snow levels down to 3,000'. Kathy took me outside to see some of the view before it all melted. The wind was 20-30 mph and the temp was 42 so we didn't spend much time outside walking around.
We're watching the final round of golf today with Tiger Woods leading the field and waiting for the storm to pass and for me to go home... it could be a big day tomorrow! JW

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