Friday, August 31

Always Room for Three!

Walking to the golf course club is still a dream as the weather is filled with rain every day... I could drive there. Instead of a cracked dry nose in Las Vegas we have a wet dog nose most of the time.

Hey, I've updated the transplant information in the left column for those of you still interested in the process of stem cell transplant. We came across Michelle who is directing our donors and she said that 3-donors have arrived! Their whole blood is being broken down to the white cell and then the DNA is pulled out to compare to mine... the closer the match the better match. Results should be known on Tuesday, September 11th when we meet with Dr. de Lima

Platelets today and not blood. It will be nice to stay away from the hospital center for 3-days. Hope everyone has a great Labor Day Weekend. I know we will... Tiger Woods is playing. JW

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